previous next Sl Jinn 'Don Richardson' This plant belongs to J & L Orchids in Easton, Connecticut on display at the Maryland Orchid Society Show and Sale. I want it for my breeding program. Anyone know where I can get one? It is a primary hybrid between Laelia milleri (deep red and strong stem) and Sophronitis coccinea (red and wider sepals and petals). It is very scarce in cultivation.

Sl Jinn 'Don Richardson'
This plant belongs to J & L Orchids in Easton, Connecticut on display at the Maryland Orchid Society Show and Sale. I want it for my breeding program. Anyone know where I can get one? It is a primary hybrid between Laelia milleri (deep red and strong stem) and Sophronitis coccinea (red and wider sepals and petals). It is very scarce in cultivation.

Camera model   NIKON D70
Shutter speed   1/50
Aperture   f/3.5
Maximum aperture   f/2.8
Exposure bias   0.00
Exposure   Normal program
Focal length   50mm
Light source   Unknown
Flash   Off
Metering   Pattern
ISO sensitivity   1600

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